Sustaining Dunbar is the community development trust for the Dunbar and East Linton ward. Along with the towns of Dunbar and East Linton, the area includes the villages of Tyninghame, West Barns, Stenton, Spott, Innerwick and Oldhamstocks.
This beautiful, easternmost part of East Lothian has the John Muir Country Park to the north, the Lammermuir Hills to the south, Traprain Law to the west, and Thornton Loch to the east.
At Sustaining Dunbar we believe the area should be home to thriving people, where nature flourishes on the land and in the sea, where we live, work and play in ways that respect the wellbeing of all people, and the health of the whole planet.
Working together…
We aim to support, enable and incubate local projects that help to build a more resilient community that will be better placed to face up to the many challenges facing us in today’s world. We believe that local, community-led action that can tap into local knowledge and experience has a key role to play in building a future in which everyone in our community can thrive within a flourishing natural environment.

Individuals & families
We and our partners organise a variety of events and activities with opportunities to learn, connect with others, get involved in new and existing projects. Check out the partners pages to find opportunities to get involved. View partners…

Local groups & organisations
We convened the ‘What If?’ partners network of local groups, organisations and businesses working together to make a difference. Join us if your organisation shares our broad aim of working for thriving people in a flourishing place. Read more…

Statutory bodies & national groups
We work with the Area Partnership, the Community Councils, East Lothian Council and other organisations. We collaborate on shared objectives and seek to influence policy and practice – locally and nationally.
If you share our passion, become a member (it’s free) and we’ll keep you in the loop with news and events…
Some current projects & collaborations…

Belhaven Community Garden
We have transformed land at Belhaven Hospital into gardens where local residents, community groups, staff and patients can grow and learn together in a therapeutic and biodiverse space. Read more…

Community Heat Team
An infra-red Heat Survey can show you where your house is losing heat – enabling you to take action to reduce heat loss. This could save you money, help you stay warmer and help reduce CO2 emissions. Visit site…

Climate Action East Linton
A friendly, informal group of people living in the East Linton area who care deeply about the climate and biodiversity crises. Visit site…

Fixing for a Future
East Linton Tool Library, Repair Cafés and Skills Workshops in bicycle, textile furniture repair….Visit site…

Our Locality Web Platform
Since 2010 our safe and secure family friendly website platform has been grown with locally sourced content and powered by open source software, binding local communities online without corporate interference with your personal data. No intrusive adverts or pop ups. Visit site…

The Pledgehog Project
As well as helping hedgehogs, the project hopes that when people create more wildlife-friendly gardens and wildlife corridors throughout the town this will be of great benefit to all sorts of insect and animal life too. Read more…
Legacy & past projects…
Since our launch in 2008, we have run, nurtured, supported and partnered with a whole variety of projects and initiatives in the Dunbar, East Linton and surrounding area which have community, cooperation and resilience at their heart. Many are still going strong as independent organisations. Check out our timeline…
News & events…
- East Coast FMOur Pledgehog Project Officer, Jen Walker, was interviewed by Gary McGregor on his ‘Home straight with Gary McGregor’ show on East Coast…
- March MunchiesThis month, now spring is in the air, hedgehogs will begin to emerge from hibernation. After a long period without food, they…
- Evening Climate CaféFourth Wednesday of the month, 6pm-7.30 pm, St. Anne’s Church, Dunbar Next Cafe: Wednesday 26th March During February, March and April Sustaining…
Who we are

Sustaining Dunbar is headed up by a team of volunteers, who live in and love this place, and is run with support from other volunteers and staff employed on a project to project basis.
We draw on the huge range of expertise of our members, partner organisations and staff to turn ideas into activities that make a difference right now and help shape the future we, and the world, needs.