The Beehive Garden Dunbar Nursery School
Despite a soggy summer we have had a bumper crop from the Beehive Garden and the polytunnel. Check out the brocolli – pulling up this giant reminded me of a childhood book! We also had fun digging up the tatties, wonky carrots and harvesting the peas, everyone loves the peas! Harris is delighted with his potting bench/raised bed which has made it much easier for him to join in. Another fantastic project made possible by Jewsons timber and the Dunbar Shed. We have more raised beds in the pipeline one for every room in the nusery. More about that next time!

The fruit patch was laden this year. Children made blackcurrant juice, fruit leathers and I tried my hand at redcurrant jelly which was devoured with cheese and biscuits at snack time!

In other news about the Beehive Garden I was tricked into attending a care inpectorate meeting at the nursery school, but it wasn’t a care meeting at all, it was an Award Ceremony and I was the recipeint! I was really moved ( yes to tears) The award was given for services to Dunbar Nursery School.
Last year we created a bund and in early spring we sowed our wildflowers and waited. I was bowled over by the results! Children enjoyed watching and listening to the bees and insects, counting flowers and naming all of the colours. We also left some other areas wild in the garden, the grassed grew tall and the children have played hide and seek all summer long!

Frog in a bog!
Our little bog garden is thriving. All of the plants have taken well: we have Cyperus Sedge, March Marigolds, Water Avens and Purple loosestrife. They have all been splendid and provide a perfect hidey habitat for nature. Children from the nursery released some froglets. Their favourite past time is watering the bog, drenching me in the process and trying to spot the frogs!

Do not be deceived by this cute, wee face, seconds later I was soaked!
Jasmine volunteered in the Beehive Garden last year and has returned to help me on Friday mornings running nature-based activities with the little ones. Great to have her help and allows me to do a little bit of gardening while she keeps the little people occupied!

Day Centre Buddies
We thoroughly enjoy our time at Dunbar Day Centre. Volunteers help serve lunch clear and tidy away dishes, make a cuppa and then spend some time blethering and playing games. This projects brings the generations together and has positive benefits for everyone taking part, not least the sharing of stories, the fun, camaraderie and lovely bonds we have made.

Several of our young volunteers received their 25 hour Saltire Awards at our recent celebrations in Dunbar Day Centre. The Saltire Awards are the Scottish Government’s way of celebrating, recognising and rewarding the commitment, contribution and achievements of young volunteers. Certificates were handed out by our elderly friends at the day centre.
We have more young people waiting in the wings to volunteer.

Belhaven Green team
Gordon and Michael have been trying their hand at growing on their allotment, we have had a bit of competition from mice and dear but still managed a bumper crop of peas which was turned into pea and ham soup! The guys love their visits to Belhaven but occasionally cannot make it to the site so I visit them at home and help them with gardening related tasks, from planting to weeding, mowing, strimming, jet washing and painting. We also visited Amisfield Walled Garden recently to get some inspiration. A wonderful place to visit and fully accessible.

Saturday and Tuesday Volunteer Groups
Each month we invite volunteers to come and help us in the Beehive Garden. Over the past months they have helped us with a variety of tasks. Brian and his granddaugher are helping us create a sensory border by the poly tunnel and volunteers also tried their hand at scything! It would be hard to keep on top of the garden if it were not for our monthly volunteer sessions. We are very grateful for your time and skills.
We recently took over the nursery allotments site, oh the ambition! It’s a huge area to manage so with this in mind Naomi Barnes has started a second volunteering group. They have a tough job ahead tackling swathes of docs and thistles. We anticipate growing more fruit bushes, planting a pumpkin patch, more veggies and cut flower section!