News Pledgehog

Hedgehog Highway Sign Giveaway

The Pledgehog Project have some hedgehog highway hole signs to give away for free if you make a gap to let hedgehogs through your fence. Hedgehogs need a gap the size of a CD case (13 cm squared) to get into your garden or outdoor space. Once you have made your gap if you add a sign, this will highlight what the hole is for and hopefully avoid it being filled up in the future as well as possibly encouraging others in your neighbourhood to make a highway as well. 

Hedgehog (copyright Erik Karits @Unsplash)

Hedgehog numbers in the UK have declined dramatically over the last 50 years and they are now classed as at risk of extinction. The Pledgehog Project aims to create safer routes through Dunbar by encouraging more hedgehog highways in fences. This will then give them more green spaces to find food, shelter, hibernate or meet a mate and reproduce.

Once you have created your gap in the fence, email Jen ( to let her know and she can provide you with a highway sign. Do also get in touch if you need advice or help with creating the gap. If you can also add it to the Big Hedgehog Map this will begin to create a new Dunbar Hedgehog Highway Map for 2025.

Some hedgehogs can squeeze under fences (see the video below) but if you create a proper gap it will allow bigger hedgehogs to get in and out easily as well.

For more information about linking your garden with a hedgehog highway click here.