Belhaven Community Garden (BCG) is a Sustaining Dunbar project to transform an area of land adjacent to Belhaven Hospital, Dunbar, into gardens where local residents, community groups, staff and patients can grow together. It has been running since 2012 when we first secured an agreement with NHS Lothian. The future of the garden is now threatened by the closure of the hospital. Please show your support for taking the land into community ownership so as to ensure a long-term future and public health benefit from this project. See our website for regular updates on progress with our application to NHS Lothian for a ‘community asset transfer’.
Under this agreement with NHS Lothian, Sustaining Dunbar volunteers have been working to transform the grounds of Belhaven Hospital into:
- A Therapeutic Space–for peace and relaxation, for staff, patients, visitors and local people….
- A Growing Space–for herbs, flowers, fruit and vegetables, for anyone who wants to come together with others in a supportive, sharing environment….
- A Learning Space–for training and sharing practical food growing and regenerative land-care skills, for all ages and abilities….
- A Biodiverse Space -for developing the range and variety of habitats so as to enhance the number and variety of species in the garden and its soil….
To find to more and get involved, come along and see us on a Saturday afternoon or contact Naomi: to arrange for an introductory tour.
Visit the Belhaven Community Garden Facebook page here.
Currently, volunteer sessions are usually held on Saturday afternoons, 2-4pm and everyone, including families, are welcome to join in.
You can support the ongoing maintenance and development of the garden by making a donation here.

The development of the garden fits with NHS Lothian’s recently adopted strategy for greenspace and health. The vision for this strategy is:
Longer lives, better lived
through our GreenSpace: Lothian’s ‘natural health service’
‘We fully realise the potential of the NHS outdoor estate and community greenspaces as a community health asset benefiting patients, visitors, staff and communities. Green health activities and services are recognised and resourced as vital tools for supporting health and wellbeing. Together, we are achieving the ambition of a health promoting health service.‘
The garden includes a sensory garden intended for quiet contemplation; an orchard which includes many old Scottish apple varieties as well as plum and pear trees; a polytunnel and area of raised beds including some designed for less physically able gardeners; a wildflower meadow; plots for use by different community groups; beehives; a therapeutic garden specifically for hospital patients and staff plus areas of hazel and willow coppice.

The Case for Belhaven Community Garden – 2023 Report