This is a formal garden that dates back hundreds of years to the 18th century around the time of the Brewery’s foundation in 1719. Set out to box hedging, lawns and ancient yew trees, the garden is very similar in style to St Mary’s pleasance garden in Haddington. The formal hedging is designed around 4 mature medlar trees, an unusual fruit made popular by the Victorians.
The collaboration between Sustaining Dunbar and Belhaven Brewery started in 2021 when the new manager was on the look out for expertise to renovate the overgrown flower beds. Una Paterson now runs the weekly sessions with a small team of volunteers on Friday mornings and is redesigning the planting schemes that run through the garden. If you are interested in getting involved email:
The Secret Garden is tucked away behind the Brewery’s buildings waiting to be discovered for a visit if you join the Brewery’s Visitor Tour.
The Brewery’s sponsorship has also enabled Sustaining Dunbar to go on and seek funding for other Gardening Outreach Projects.