During all my recent meetings -some with those of you I have known for a while but never previously had a chance to talk with at length- a few themes have emerged and food has been a recurring topic. So many of you have helped organise hot meals for local people during lockdown, baked delicious scones for coffee mornings in the village halls or dream about nutritious food being grown in front (and back) gardens and public spaces everywhere across our community.
Since early September we have got to know over thirty local groups which work tirelessly to make, grow and share food. It became clear that there was an appetite to share dreams and work together to make them happen. These groups have formed the Local Good Food Alliance to do just that.

A few years ago Sustaining Dunbar put together a comprehensive Local Resilience Plan which included recommendations for a Local Food strategy which is still very relevant today. Another project called Incredibly Edible Dunbar & District is also worth revisiting and reflecting on.
Based on groups ambitions, and inspired by past projects, the Local Good Food Alliance has agreed on our priorities, developed a collective Action Plan, and made some new friends along the way.
Our colleagues at Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership have been happy to adopt this initiative and we at Sustaining Dunbar continue to facilitate meetings and help move things forward.
If you’d like to join the Local Good Food Alliance, don’t be shy to get in touch!
Ola Wojtkiewicz, Community Engagement Manager at Sustaining Dunbar: ola@sustainingdunbar.org