Last Tuesday, 31st January, we had a great turnout with over 100 people packing into Dunbar Parish Church Hall to welcome our guests from the International Class at Flensburg University and to hear presentations from Dr. Katherine Trebeck and Prof. Iain Black who shared their ideas for how we can take more control of our local economic future through community action towards creating ‘wellbeing economies’ – which put people and planet first.

One of the projects that the Flensburg students are working on is to do research to support our ambitious aspiration is to build a large, community-owned solar farm that can generate a significant profit which would be used to set up a locally-controlled fund for investment in the local, low-carbon infrastructure that we urgently need. It is a complex project with many moving parts and is still at an early stage and there are many challenges we will need to overcome to make it a reality. It would be really helpful for the students if you could take a moment to complete this short survey: Community Solar Project
For anyone who missed the presentations or would like to see and listen to them again:
Presentation from International Class and audio file
Presentation from Katherine Trebeck and Iain Black and audio file
There are many more resources here from the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland