Consultations Events

Save the date – Dunbar Place Plan

Sept. 30th, 10am-3pm

What? A Drop-in café style workshop

Where? Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall, Dunbar

How? A chance to input and build on the responses to Dunbar Community Council, West Barns Community Council and the Dunbar Trades Association’s survey place plan survey from earlier this year. A map based exercise to better protect the things we value and identify the areas we want to rehabilitate. Whether you are interested in growing food (in an allotment that is not miles away), building your own home (or perhaps interested in co-ownership), want a healthy natural environment near where you live, or to be able to access services and leisure destinations without relying on the car, we need detailed ideas of what and where.

The LPP project partners can then develop the arguments to submit to the council.

Your views can help shape the next local development plan. Development, such as housing, can normally only go ahead if it accords with the Local Development Plan. If it is not in the plan, it is very much harder to argue the case.


But there is no need to wait …

If you would like to submit a response on your own behalf then here is the link to their Evidence Report Public Consultation and the survey response form.

Individual responses need to be submitted by 17th September.

IMPORTANT: You do not not need to read all the evidence in detail to make a submission and you do not need to answer all the questions. You can submit multiple responses on. the issues that matter to you.

ELC is also seeking responses to its Tree and Woodland Strategy and here are the relevant links: Quick Survey for Tree and Woodland Survey for East Lothian This consultation has now been extended to 31st August.