Events News

Annual Members’ Meeting and AGM

Tuesday 24th September, 7-9pm, Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall, Dunbar, EH42 1JL

ALL members and non-members welcome
7pm – Potluck meal (bring food to share, if you can)
7.45pm – Presentations about current projects
8.15pm – AGM and discussion 
Any member is eligible to stand for election to the Board. If you would like to discuss this, please contact Jo McNamara (

Between 2009 and 2011 we ran the ‘2025’ community engagement project to create a shared vision and action plan for the future we wanted to see in Dunbar and District in 2025. Now that 2025 is nearly here, we want to start reviewing and reflecting on our successes and failures over the past 15 years and to start the process of creating a new plan for achieving our vision of a resilient, low-carbon community in which everyone can thrive within a flourishing environment.