Events News

‘Purpose’ -film show and discussion

Friday 14th March, 7-9.30pm, Dunbar Parish Church Hall

FREE but please make a donation if you can.

The ‘business as usual’ economic system that is running our societies has a very narrow focus: We must “grow the GDP”, i.e. make more money, no matter the cost and without asking what is growing and who is benefitting.

Rather than improving our lives, this logic is now tearing our societies and our planet apart.
In Scotland, one in four children are growing up in poverty. People are facing impossible choices as they can’t afford the essentials.
At the same time, the richest are getting even richer whilst around the world we are seeing the devastating impact of the climate crisis.

Have you ever wondered why?

Join us for Purpose – a Wellbeing Economies Film where we explore how the economy is at the heart of these problems and what we can do differently.

This inspiring film follows the stories of Katharine Trebeck and Lorenzo Fioramonti as they work to transform our economy so that it puts people and planet first. 

“We desperately need more and better stories about how to change our world. ‘Purpose’ provides precisely such a story — showing us what economic systems change looks like in action. Highly recommended!”

Wellbeing Economics argue that a new way of developing our economies — around the wellbeing of people and planet — is not only possible, but our most urgent task. By letting go of GDP growth as the central gauge for economic policy and focussing on a new set of measures, Wellbeing Economists want to make the economy work for the many (not only the rich), and to protect the planet at the same time.

We will be joined by the filmmaker Martin Oetting and the film showing will be followed by a Q&A and a facilitated discussion.

Talking Purpose with Katherine Trebeck: what does a Wellbeing Economy really mean, why is Scotland is such a key player, and what can each of us do to help change the system.

With many thanks to Pix in the Stix community cinema for their support with showing this film.

In conjunction with Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland