Friday 14th March, 7-9.30pm, Dunbar Parish Church Hall FREE but please make a donation if you can. The ‘business as usual’ economic system that is running our societies has a very narrow focus: We must “grow the GDP”, i.e. make more money, no matter the cost and without asking what is growing and who is…
NHS Lothian have announced the closure of Belhaven Hospital and of their intention to dispose of the site, including Belhaven Community Garden, as ‘surplus’ to their requirements. Do you support taking the site of Belhaven Community Garden into community ownership so as to protect this asset for the benefit of our community in the long…
Our Pledgehog Project Officer, Jen Walker, was interviewed by Gary McGregor on his ‘Home straight with Gary McGregor’ show on East Coast FM radio on 28th February. They talked a bit about the project and what we can be doing to help hedgehogs at this time of year. Click here to listen again.
This month, now spring is in the air, hedgehogs will begin to emerge from hibernation. After a long period without food, they might have lost around a third of their body weight. This is the perfect time to start putting out supplementary food and water as they will be extremely hungry. The hedgehog’s natural diet…
Fourth Wednesday of the month, 6pm-7.30 pm, St. Anne’s Church, Dunbar Next Cafe: Wednesday 26th March During February, March and April Sustaining Dunbar and St Anne’s Church will be hosting an evening Climate Café that will run on the same format as the lunchtime cafe. The evening cafe will be the fourth Wednesday of the…
Second Wed of the month 12.30-14.00 – St Anne’s Church Next Café, March 12th 2025 An open, inclusive, café space for people to get together to talk, share concerns and plan Climate Action. Everyone is welcome to join the conversation and get involved. Simple lunch Soup (plant based) & Bread – wholemeal sourdough. local organic…
This month, before hedgehogs come out of hibernation, I would like to urge you to have a look around your garden, or outdoor space, to try and make it a safer place for hedgehogs to visit when the Spring comes. Why not try and imagine that you’re a hedgehog, snuffling around at night looking for…
IMPORTANT!We need your viewsPlease respond to this survey What you would like to see happening at Belhaven Community Garden in future if we succeed in securing community ownership?This survey is a crucial part of the ‘market research’ necessary for developing a business plan to accompany our ‘community asset transfer’ application to NHS Lothian.Please share with your…
Catch up with Carey
Winter 2024 First, I would like to wish my supporters and volunteers a very Happy New Year, I hope it’s great! Well folks, we are past the winter solstice now so the days are getting longer – yippee! The nursery children have already sown some beautiful sweet peas. Last year some of the nursery classes…
The Pledgehog Project have some hedgehog highway hole signs to give away for free if you make a gap to let hedgehogs through your fence. Hedgehogs need a gap the size of a CD case (13 cm squared) to get into your garden or outdoor space. Once you have made your gap if you add…
Community Heat Team
Our volunteer run Community Heat Team project has now launched. The team are available to carry out an evening infra-red heat survey inside your home to highlight where your home is losing heat – enabling you to take action to reduce heat loss. This could save you money, help you stay warmer and help reduce…