We preparing for our engagement event at Our Lady of the Waves Hall on Saturday 30th Sept 10am-3pm, which will be a part of the broader Local Place Plan consultation. We’re publishing interim results from the ongoing Connecting Dunbar consultation as a taster over on the dedicated website over the next couple of days covering…
Save the date – Dunbar Place Plan
Sept. 30th, 10am-3pm What? A Drop-in café style workshop Where? Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall, Dunbar How? A chance to input and build on the responses to Dunbar Community Council, West Barns Community Council and the Dunbar Trades Association’s survey place plan survey from earlier this year. A map based exercise to better…
Sustaining Dunbar, Summer Social Drinks. Thursday 31st August, 8pm onwards at Station Yard Micropub. Come along for an informal meet-up with other members of Sustaining Dunbar. How can we support each other to face up to climate breakdown and the nature emergency?What if … we imagined … a future full of possibility … where we focus on…
There was a buzz of excitement at the Dunbar nursery school this week as children’s TV presenter, Rory Crawford, joined the nursery children in their Beehive Wildlife Garden on a bug hunt adventure along with Jen Walker from Sustaining Dunbar’s Pledgehog Project. The children became immersed in the minibeast world as they explored the undergrowth…
Planning Matters
East Lothian Council (ELC) is currently working on a draft for its latest Local Development Plan which is the document that will set the framework for planning decisions over the next ten years. Planning matters are complex, can be contentious and communities often feel that their voice and views are not heard. At this point…
Connecting Dunbar
Sustrans’ Places for Everyone funding is enabling Sustaining Dunbar to investigate what is needed to improve cycling, walking and wheeling routes around Dunbar and West Barns. The Connecting Dunbar project aims to create better walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure in wider Dunbar so as to facilitate more active travel and more sustainable local transport, as…
Dunbar Bike Hub, currently located in a converted container at Hallhill, is a three year partnership between Sustaining Dunbar, The Ridge, Dunbar Community Woodland Group, (plus Sunny Soups in year two). It is part of the Dunbar Skills Partnership which is funded by the ‘Investing in Communities’ fund. Initially the project has three elements: We…
Sustaining Dunbar’s Pledgehog Project is now being supported by local housingdevelopers, Taylor Wimpey and the Dunbar Shed, in their work to help thehedgehogs of Dunbar. Taylor Wimpey can reveal that they have incorporated ‘Hedgehog Highways’ into the site plans at Dunbar’s new ‘Belhaven Way’ housing development. These highways will be small 13cm square gaps in…
Catch up with Sustaining Dunbar’s garden outreach projects, run by Carey Douglas. Belhaven Green Team Michael and Gordon have been enjoying some outreach to help them with their own garden at home. We added a splash of colour to their borders with some pretty flowers donated by Dunbar in Bloom, thanks Bloomers! Michael and…
Go Deep Taster Workshop
A Go Deep Taster Session: Tuesday 27th June, 7.30-9pm, St Anne’s Church, Dunbar (Please note the venue has changed -previously at Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall, just around the corner). Potluck meal from 6.45pm -bring a dish to share Go Deep is a game where participants learn about themselves and their communities. It supports individuals and…