News Pledgehog

Highways & hedgehog houses

Sustaining Dunbar’s Pledgehog Project is now being supported by local housingdevelopers, Taylor Wimpey and the Dunbar Shed, in their work to help thehedgehogs of Dunbar. Taylor Wimpey can reveal that they have incorporated ‘Hedgehog Highways’ into the site plans at Dunbar’s new ‘Belhaven Way’ housing development. These highways will be small 13cm square gaps in…

Belhaven Community Garden Blog Gardening & Buddying News

Carey’s Summer Blog

Catch up with Sustaining Dunbar’s garden outreach projects, run by Carey Douglas.  Belhaven Green Team Michael and Gordon have been enjoying some outreach to help them with their own garden at home.  We  added a splash of colour to their borders with some pretty flowers donated by Dunbar in Bloom, thanks Bloomers!   Michael and…


Go Deep Taster Workshop

A Go Deep Taster Session: Tuesday 27th June, 7.30-9pm, St Anne’s Church, Dunbar (Please note the venue has changed -previously at Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall, just around the corner). Potluck meal from 6.45pm -bring a dish to share Go Deep is a game where participants learn about themselves and their communities. It supports individuals and…


Civic Week Cinema – The Seeds of Vandana Shiva

Documentary film about the remarkable story of Dr Vandana Shiva. When you control seed. You control life on earth. Tuesday, 13th June 2023 7-9pm, Dunbar Town House How did the willful daughter of a Himalayan forest conservator become the world’s most powerful opponent of Monsanto? The Seeds of Vandana Shiva, a feature-length documentary, presents the remarkable…

Events News

Green Drinks

Sustaining Dunbar, Summer Social Drinks.  Friday 2nd June, 8pm onwards at Station Yard Micropub. Come along to meet others with an interest in local action. How can we get together to support each other and ‘just do stuff’ to create a more sustainable and resilient community in which everyone is able to thrive in a…

Belhaven Community Garden Blog News Pledgehog

Make your prickly pledge!

during Hedgehog Awareness Week Dunbar Pledgehog Project is asking everyone to make their gardens or outdoor spaces a haven for hedgehogs this week. National Hedgehog Awareness week runs from Sunday 30th April to Saturday 6th May and has been organised by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society to highlight the problems that hedgehogs face and how we can…

Events News

Climate Café

Second Wed of the month 12.30-14.00 June 14th, July 12th – St Anne’s Church An open, inclusive, café space for people to get together to talk and take Climate Action. Everyone is welcome to join the conversation and get involved.  Simple lunch Soup & Bread from Dunbar Community Bakery Optional: Bring cake/ tray bake to share…

Belhaven Community Garden Blog Gardening & Buddying News

Carey’s Spring Blog

Carey Douglas, our Volunteer Coordinator, gives us her Spring 2023 update on the three garden outreach projects she’s running: The Belhaven Green Team; Belhaven Buddies and Beehive Buddies. Belhaven Green Team We are hoping to get back to Belhaven Gardens soon. We are waiting for the water and toilets in the grounds to be fixed…


Scotland Loves Local Project Update

Background The Local Good Food Alliance, Sustaining Dunbar. The Local Good Food Alliance (LGFA) was set up in December 2020 to create a network and forum for people in Dunbar and surrounding areas who are interested in food and local growing. Consultation with this group proved a valuable way to identify the obstacles people face…

Events News


Dunbar Townhouse, Monday 20th Feb. 7-9pm How can Dunbar and District be a home to thriving people, in a thriving place, whilst respecting the wellbeing of all people, and the health of the whole planet? The Flensburg students are hosting a workshop to generate a holistic vision portrait by adopting the Doughnut Economics Action Lab methodology. Please come and…