Events News

Evening Climate Café

Fourth Wednesday of the month, 6pm-7.30 pm, St. Anne’s Church, Dunbar Next Cafe: Wednesday 26th March During February, March and April Sustaining Dunbar and St Anne’s Church will be hosting an evening Climate Café that will run on the same format as the lunchtime cafe. The evening cafe will be the fourth Wednesday of the…

Events News

Climate Cafe

Second Wed of the month 12.30-14.00 – St Anne’s Church Next Café, March 12th 2025  An open, inclusive, café space for people to get together to talk, share concerns and plan Climate Action. Everyone is welcome to join the conversation and get involved.  Simple lunch Soup (plant based) & Bread – wholemeal sourdough. local organic…

Events News

‘Purpose’ -film show and discussion

Friday 14th March, 7-9.30pm, Dunbar Parish Church Hall FREE but please make a donation if you can. The ‘business as usual’ economic system that is running our societies has a very narrow focus: We must “grow the GDP”, i.e. make more money, no matter the cost and without asking what is growing and who is…

Events News

Winter Pruning Workshops

Sign up for a winter fruit tree pruning workshop run by Danny Wight and Naomi Barnes, experienced local fruit tree growers.  Money raised will go to Tyninghame Community Farm and Belhaven Community Garden.  Details in the sign up links below. Sunday 26th January, 1-3.30pm at Tyninghame Community Farm Tuesday 11th February, 10am-12pm at Belhaven Community…

Events News

Family Cargo Bike Library

Are you interested in trialling an electric cargo bike with your family, for free? The Tern GSD can carry two children and a load of shopping in large pannier bags. Sustaining Dunbar will be loaning the bike to community members for 4 week periods. Interested? For questions or more information, contact Drop in taster…

Events News

Women Don’t Cycle

Documentary Film, followed by discussion led by Angie Kinghorn, East Lothian development officer, Cycling UK. Friday 18th October, 7-9pm, Dunbar Town House Hosted by East Lothian Cycle Forum, Sustaining Dunbar and Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership -followed by discussion led by Angie Kinghorn, East Lothian Development Officer, Cycling UK. Women Don’t Cycle -a film…

Events News

Annual Members’ Meeting and AGM

Tuesday 24th September, 7-9pm, Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall, Dunbar, EH42 1JL ALL members and non-members welcome7pm – Potluck meal (bring food to share, if you can)7.45pm – Presentations about current projects8.15pm – AGM and discussion Any member is eligible to stand for election to the Board. If you would like to discuss this,…

Events News

General Election Hustings

Wednesday 12th June 7.30-9pm at Dunbar Parish Church Dunbar Churches Eco-group with Sustaining Dunbar is holding a Hustings for the General Election on Wednesday 12th June 7.30-9pm at Dunbar Parish Church (date chosen as the one that most Prospective Parliamentary Candidates could make). All welcome! Hopefully you’ll be able to attend and to encourage others…

Events News

Social Drinks

Thursday 20th June and every Third Thursday of the month, 8pm onwards at Station Yard Micropub  What if … we imagined … a future full of possibility … where we focus on a positive vision … Come and join us for a drink and blether! 

Events News

Civic Week Events at Belhaven Community Garden

Belhaven Community Garden at Belhaven Hospital, EH42 1TR Thursday 13th June at 6pm.  Family friendly.  FREE Gather at the polytunnel and enjoy an evening stroll with Sally Gouldstone to identify wildflowers. Saturday 15th June at 8.30am.  Family Friendly.  FREE Inspect our moth traps and identify our catch over a morning croissant, bring a coffee!