This is a very belated update on what happened to our attempt to purchase the former Bank of Scotland branch and to set up a community-owned coworking and local enterprise hub. In brief, having failed to make use of the Community Right to Buy legislation, as outlined in our June update, we also failed to get…
Category: News
This festive season Sustaining Dunbar’s Pledgehog Project are reaching out to anyone who has been lucky enough to come across a hedgehog in 2024 and is asking them to log their hog before the end of the year. The Big Hedgehog Map is run by ‘Hedgehog Street’, a joint initiative between the British Hedgehog Preservation…
Catch up with Carey
Autumn Highlights 2024 Beehive Garden at Dunbar Nursery There is nothing quite like kicking through piles of autumn leaves to make us feel happy, so we raked some into heaps so the children of the Beehive could have lots of fun playing in them and throwing them above their heads for them to tumble down…
Vacancy – Project Development Manager
We require a Development Manager to take forward the second stage of the Insulate Innerwick project. Location and status: Innerwick, Dunbar, East Lothian. Working from home, 1 – 3 days a week, negotiable/flexible. £40 per hour on a self employed basis. Context: This is the second stage of a project managed by Sustaining Dunbar with…
Free infra-red heat surveys
COMING SOON! We are just preparing to launch this project. We are currently recruiting extra volunteers to join our team. Volunteers will need to be able to commit an average of around two hours per week, carrying out surveys after dark through the winter months and compiling follow up reports to householders. Full training will…
Are you interested in trialling an electric cargo bike with your family, for free? The Tern GSD can carry two children and a load of shopping in large pannier bags. Sustaining Dunbar will be loaning the bike to community members for 4 week periods. Interested? For questions or more information, contact Drop in taster…
Leaving pumpkins on the ground after the spooky season has ended is being highlighted as being a serious threat to our prickly friends. Sustaining Dunbar’s Pledgehog Project is giving advice about the best way to deal with any unwanted Halloween lanterns. Jen Walker, Pledgehog Officer warns, “Many people believe that they’re helping wildlife by leaving…
Documentary Film, followed by discussion led by Angie Kinghorn, East Lothian development officer, Cycling UK. Friday 18th October, 7-9pm, Dunbar Town House Hosted by East Lothian Cycle Forum, Sustaining Dunbar and Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership -followed by discussion led by Angie Kinghorn, East Lothian Development Officer, Cycling UK. Women Don’t Cycle -a film…
Summer Highlights 2024
Carey’s projects have been buzzing this summer. Read her updates about The Beehive Garden, the Day Centre Buddies and the Green Team
Tuesday 24th September, 7-9pm, Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall, Dunbar, EH42 1JL ALL members and non-members welcome7pm – Potluck meal (bring food to share, if you can)7.45pm – Presentations about current projects8.15pm – AGM and discussion Any member is eligible to stand for election to the Board. If you would like to discuss this,…