Events News

Pilgrims on the Storm

The soil and soul of walking to COP26 A talk by Alastair McIntosh to launch the Pilgrimage from Dunbar to Glasgow COP26 A pilgrimage doesn’t usually come from nowhere. In most of us, it will have built up over a period of both conscious and unconscious preparation. This is because a pilgrimage is not just…


Pix in the Stix does COP26

‘Not Without Us’ Film Screening:  East Linton Community Hall, 25th September 2021 As part of local pre-COP26 activity, Pix in the Stix – in association with Sustaining Dunbar, Climate Action East Linton and Take One Action – hosted a screening of ‘Not Without Us’, a 2016 Cert (12+) documentary that connects the dots between growing economic…


Local Cycling News

We are pleased to share this update from Dunbar Cycling Group. Access updates The footbridge from A199 near A198 junction over the railway and the A1 underpass are due to be signed in the near future. The track is rather overgrown but is due to be maintained shortly -a great route south towards Biel and…

Events News

Summer Events Programme

We’ve compiled this programme of local events (45 at last count) happening over the summer months. Everything from ‘Art in the Garden’ to stonestacking, Zumba and Gentle Yoga. Some are one-off, some recur weekly. Please note that this information is mostly provided by other groups and some events need to be pre-booked -please check with…


Sustaining Place, Sustaining People

Our community-led recovery and resilience plan: for making a real difference, and to build back better from the pandemic.

Belhaven Community Garden Blog News

The Journey of the LGFA Coordinator

Naomi Barnes shares her journey as Coordinator of the Local Good Food Alliance -June 2021 Context My role as the Local Good Food Alliance Coordinator started in mid December 2020, after Ola Wojtkiewicz set up the group in response to community engagement as part of Sustaining Dunbar’s ‘What If?’ project, the previous summer. There are…

Events News

Belhaven Garden Summer Workshops

Drawing , printing and medicinal plants Come and enjoy a summer workshop with artist Anna Davis, getting closer to some of our wild medicinal plants with an immersive combination of drawing, and printing while drinking infused teas and looking at the plants medicinal properties.  The workshops are free although donations to Belhaven community garden are welcome through…


What Next? – Planning Our Future

Back in the early summer of 2020 Sustaining Dunbar spoke with lots of local groups, many working at the sharp end of helping people to cope with the pandemic. We asked if it would be useful to work together and plan for the future. Most said ‘yes’ and the  What If Project began. The project focussed on…


Rejuvenating the Secret Brewery Garden

Belhaven Brewery has partnered with Sustaining Dunbar to build a relationship that will see the special brewery gardens revitalised by a new Community Outreach Gardener. For years the brewery gardens have been hidden behind the brew house, but this partnership will see the secret gardens shared with people throughout Scotland as well as visitors from…


SOLE Dunbar

The SOLE (Supporting our Local Economy) website is now live. Kirsty McIntosh from SOLE explains more about this project in this guest blog. In March 2020 when the pandemic hit and lockdown was imposed, communities around Scotland swung into action to support those within them who were in need. Local businesses lost significant revenue both…