Events News

Summer Social Drinks

Sustaining Dunbar, Summer Social Drinks. Thursday 16th June, 8pm onwards at Station Yard Micropub. Come along to meet others with an interest in local action to address the climate and nature emergencies. How can we get together to support each other and ‘just do stuff’ to create a more sustainable and resilient community in which…

Events News

Second Sunday Social Strolls

This year, despite the ongoing restrictions imposed by Covid, we are keen to find ways to enable our members to meet up with each other. We hope that Second Sunday Social Strolls will become a regular slot in your diary every month and look forward to seeing you for our first one this Sunday afternoon.Sunday 9th January. Meet at 2pm at…

Events News

Sunday 17th October Events

In November this year, Glasgow will host the COP26 UN climate talks, bringing together world leaders to make crucial decisions about protecting our future on the planet. From 17th – 29th October, at least 100 people are undertaking a 70-mile Pilgrimage for COP26. This journey, organised to reflect on the climate and ecological crisis in anticipation of the…

Events News

Pilgrims on the Storm

The soil and soul of walking to COP26 A talk by Alastair McIntosh to launch the Pilgrimage from Dunbar to Glasgow COP26 A pilgrimage doesn’t usually come from nowhere. In most of us, it will have built up over a period of both conscious and unconscious preparation. This is because a pilgrimage is not just…

Events News

Summer Events Programme

We’ve compiled this programme of local events (45 at last count) happening over the summer months. Everything from ‘Art in the Garden’ to stonestacking, Zumba and Gentle Yoga. Some are one-off, some recur weekly. Please note that this information is mostly provided by other groups and some events need to be pre-booked -please check with…

Events News

Belhaven Garden Summer Workshops

Drawing , printing and medicinal plants Come and enjoy a summer workshop with artist Anna Davis, getting closer to some of our wild medicinal plants with an immersive combination of drawing, and printing while drinking infused teas and looking at the plants medicinal properties.  The workshops are free although donations to Belhaven community garden are welcome through…

Blog Events

What Next for Friends of John Muir Birthplace? – Post-Event Blog

Another event in our What If? series was organised in collaboration with the Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace on Wednesday 24th March 2021. Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace is a local charity that supports the ongoing work of the John Muir Birthplace Charitable Trust and the staff of John Muir’s Birthplace. During the event, five speakers shared their presentations and…

Blog Events

Climate Action East Linton -event report

‘What if?’ Event Report Climate Action East Linton is an affiliated member of Sustaining Dunbar, and benefits from sharing ideas, resources and experience. We invited our colleagues from CAEL to showcase their inspiring work as part of an ongoing What If? event series which we have been running for the past few months. On Wednesday…

Events News


Scottish Parliament Hustings Events 7.30pm Tuesday 13 April 2021 – Constituency Vote 7.30pm Thursday 15 April 2021 – Regional List Vote Online events by Zoom – Advanced booking essential Organised jointly by: Sustaining Dunbar and Dunbar Churches Together in the lead up to the Scottish Parliament elections on 6 May 2021, all are welcome: Tuesday 13th April…

Events News

What Next for the Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace?

Wed, 24 Mar 2021, 7pm A ‘What If?’ event organised by the Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace in conjunction with Sustaining Dunbar. Join us to discuss: What role does John Muir’s Birthplace play in the life of the town and the High Street? What can we learn from John Muir’s life and legacy to support and inspire us? What…