
Ola’s Diary 2 -Food for a Better Future

During all my recent meetings -some with those of you I have known for a while but never previously had a chance to talk with at length- a few themes have emerged and food has been a recurring topic. So many of you have helped organise hot meals for local people during lockdown, baked delicious…


Belhaven Lobster

Sustaining Dunbar’s Local Good Food Alliance talks to father and son, Eddie and Lawrie McFarlane of Belhaven Lobster about fishing during a pandemic, Brexit, sustainability and hopes for the future. Interview by Rosie Harrison.


Ola’s Diary 1 -A network of passionate people.

In the middle of the strange summer of 2020, I was invited to join the Sustaining Dunbar team to help develop a new project called “What If?” As it happened, I just completed reading the inspirational Rob Hopkins book of the same title. It felt rather serendipitous – I was ready to go! If you ever crave…


Carbon Conversations

We are planning to host a number of Carbon Conversations groups for individuals and organisations in Dunbar and District over the Autumn and Winter of 2020/21.Carbon Conversations are about getting together with a small group of our friends/neighbours/colleagues in a safe and well supported space to help us face our complex reactions to climate breakdown and…


2020 Member’s Meeting

7-8pm Tuesday 1st September (online). This year we are holding our Annual Member’s Meeting (AGM) online. This is your chance to find out more about what Sustaining Dunbar has been up to over the past year and, in particular, about future plans and activities, including for The What If Network*. All welcome, please do come…


Another World is Possible…

Can we grasp this moment? We might look back longingly to the time before the pandemic and the restrictions it’s brought. But while life was easier for many of us, below the surface, often out of sight and out of mind, “normal” was a mess. “Normal” meant rising inequalities, with food banks getting ever busier…


‘Need or Want: What Matters Post-Covid-19?’

Join one or all of a series of 3 Facilitated Conversations on what matters to us, post-Covid-19. The ‘Fixing for a Future’ project, a collaboration between East Linton Melting Pot and Sustaining Dunbar, has officially started.  


What if we followed nature’s lead?

‘You only get so many Mays in your life.’ Inspired by studying Rob Hopkin’s book ‘From What is to What if?’ together over the winter, a group of us were very excited by the idea of heading off to the woods with bikes and children and picnic breakfasts to celebrate Dawn Chorus Day on the…


Fixing for a Future

The Fixing for a Future project has been developed by East Linton Melting Pot, supported by Sustaining Dunbar. The project has recently secured two year’s of funding from the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund and a part-time project officer, Rosie Harrison, has now been appointed.


Fixing for a Future -Project Officer

‘Fixing for a Future’, Freelance Project Officer, 1.5 days per week, 2-year contract, East Linton, East Lothian The East Linton Melting Pot, working with Sustaining Dunbar, require a Project Officer to establish a monthly Repair Cafe at The Mart in East Linton, to set up and oversee the running of practical Skills Workshops and to recruit…